So I sucked it up and decided to get a pt together and go kill Fomors in Phomiuna. I found two people in the shell that were also after subligars, Asphe and Doc, so we went there as a nin, smn, bst trio. Now I honestly had no idea if this was even enough to take down fomors and if bringing no raise was a good idea but I had confidence in my regulars as they typically know their role and how to perform well in difficult situations. It turned out to be justified because Asphe, Doc, and I had no problem killing Fomors over and over again for 4 hours that night, later joined by Ari and her friend Rown for awhile at the end too. Among the subligars we got were rng, smn/whm, blm/smn, and nin. However the two we didn't get which happen to be the best items were thf and bst.. after 4 hours, and with TH there part of the time.
So with 4 hours of time and 3-5 people netting us no Bst subligar I was determined to get it so I set out to do this solo early afternoon that next day.
It was right before work, I literally had about a half hour before I had to be in my car driving to work but I figured I could get away with being 10 minutes late if I had to. So I outpost warp to Tavnazian Safehold and quickly grab all my Bst gear, I also break out my monster signa and tuna sushi which I haven't used in a long time since I need all the +chr I can get for this crazy strategy. I buy a stack of Zeta food (best pet food on the AH, heals 350 hp and adds regen) and I set out for the Aqueducts.
Dodging Taurus' and moving as fast as I can, now having memorized my way to this camp not needing to look at maps I get to the camp with little difficult. Now in order for me to solo this I need a VT/IT slime pet that I then 2hr to make it mine for a guaranteed 30 minutes with increased power. The hard part though.. charming a VT/IT slime and not dying.
So I find my target and set out trying to charm it with all the +chr I could pump into this little taru bst. Mischarm.. after mischarm.. after mischarm.. thankfully the slimes are slow and don't chase you long so charming from a maximum distance and running way out of the tunnel that the slime is in (hoping a stegosaur isn't waiting at the exit) usually makes it lose interest in you fairly quick. Well after 8 tries or so I finally charm and quickly hit my 2hr Familiar, now I have this awesome slime pet ready to kill some fomors.
Only I'm not actually at the fomor camp, now I have to drag this pet across a room full of Taurus' and hope I don't get aggro, now keep in mind I only have 30 minutes with this pet so time is NOT on my side, waiting for the Taurus' to move can be costly. But I manage to get past all of the True Sight dinosaurs and into the Fomor camp in about 2 minutes time.
The room where the Bst Fomor spawns has 4 fomors in it, 2 hell bats that link with the Fomor Bst's bat, and a NM that's 8 levels above me when I'm at a 40 cap. So I sent my slime in for the Bst Fomor and pull it back to the safe hallway, this slime is amazing. It kills the Fomor's pet bat in about 6 hits with my help and then goes to town on the actual Bst. The slime hits so hard he easily tanks the entire battle and his AoE move Fluid Toss does an added 150-300 damage, completely destroying the Bst Fomor with no difficulty at all. First kill, I get a bronze key which was nice but I wanted the subligar.

Now the Bst Fomor is on a 14 minute respawn which means I'll only be able to kill it once more before my 2hr is gone and I lose my IT Slime on steroids. I take the time I have to kill the Hell Bats in the room so they don't link and a VT Diremite in the hallway just to avoid hitting it with my slimes TP AoE move, all the while building up 300% TP for ourselves. The 2nd Bst Fomor respawns, this time we pull it fast enough so it doesn't have its pet with it. So of course this time we kill it even faster and make this poor Fomor look worse. My 2nd kill soloing as a Bst, the subligar drops!

Knowing I basically now own a Gaudy Harness (once I do the quest) I head off to work 10 minutes late a happy little Bst! It amazes me what this job can do solo, I'm in love with Bst right now. :)
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