Level 43
Most of this level was spent in West Altep. I felt like getting away from the mainstream leveling spots for awhile and had a relaxing xp session in the desert. Now I camped by the Korroloka Tunnel entrance in West Altep (the one most people don't know about) and I never came into contact with another play my entire time there.
It's pretty close to Rabao being just southeast of it and you can roam up and down the area, the level range is consistent. My pet was always spiders, there was a good mix of DC and EM spiders at lvl 43 and the prey was.. everything else. From Dhalmels, to anticans, to the very best prey.. WORMS! Spiders took down worms incredibly fast and they popped all over, but the only problem was, worms only spawn in the desert from 18:00 to 6:00. But when they're out, the xp went very fast, otherwise it was just decent.

After that I took a break from leveling because I was set on getting my gaudy harness, which you can read about a couple posts down.
Level 44
Had a nice party with doc's taru mule who was blm at the time. Just your typical crawler's nest party. Now I've never been a fan of this zone, always got lost trying to figure out the right tunnel and the way to the secret room.. till I got the map anyway. However as a Bst, I have a newfound love for this zone and I can forsee myself spending a lot more time in it.

After that party, Shadow asked for help on his mnk AF which was a coffer key in.. what other zone but.. Crawler's Nest! W00t. Cyaan came along to help and we got the key to drop in about 15 minutes and had little difficulty locating the coffer. We also found that Demonic Tiphia was up so we had to attempt that.
Now let me just say, this is the most annoying NM I've ever seen, not only does it have an unlimited source of MP to cast spells like sleepga2 and Cure V, but it can also use its Pollen TP move to restore 3,000+ HP.. which it used quite frequently.. along with Cure V.. ugh. Also the NM is known for using Final Sting when it gets too low on HP almost always guaranteed to take out the person tanking, which it did! Poor cy. After that a quick Dark Spark fight and Shadow had his mnk AF gloves.

Taking a break from Crawler's Nest.. for awhile anyway.. we did a BCNM60, which was successful! Lots of deaths but every orb was a victory and everyone got a worthwhile torque, looking forward to doing more in the future.

Ok back to Bst:
Level 45-46
I had 2 successful party's both in Quicksand Caves, the first pt I got to spend time with Buggman and his drg but other than that, nothing special to report here.

Level 47
I decided to go to Gustav Tunnel, I've always had successful party's there and I've always stated it would make a good Bst zone because of the vast amount of charmable monsters throughout the entire zone. However I wasn't a big on goblins so I was a bit hesitant at first, I never had much luck fighting gobs in the past.
Oh how very misguided those doubts were. I had an AWESOME time here, fastest xp I've ever gotten on Bst! Now that I'm a much higher level than the last time I fought gobs, things are much different. Firstly Bomb Toss is much less threatening, now that I have protect/shell, cure3/regen, blink, and barfira, fighting gobs is no longer scary. Also at this level, there's much less chance that you'll get hate with a good pet.

All my pets were DC or EM leeches, and omigod leeches make efficient killers! A DC Leech could easily take on a T gob, and this level range of monsters stretched the entire first floor of the zone. So if there was a xp pt that came and started pulling gobs and such, you could just move down the zone a bit and keep on going. I hardly touched flies just because there were way too many of them around and linking is dangerous but I did do bats when I ran out of gobs (rare). The suicidal bomb toss gob made for some nice chains and fast xp, I really enjoyed my time in Gustav and hit 49. :)
Death or Intense Moment: Killing lots of gobs in Gustav I managed to spawn Goblinsavior Heronex, and of course being a reckless Bst I just had to try and solo it.. regardless of its level which I didn't know at the time.. still don't. Well I threw my leech at it and just kept throwing anything in the area at it until I ran of DC/EM pets. Surrounded by Gobs on all sides of my camp I couldn't really run off to some other part of the zone to continue without getting a gob link. So I started charming Toughs.. but mischarms got the better of me and I ended up dead. I'll have my BSTly revenge one day!
Level 48
w00t level 48! New shiny Viking Axe and a Life Belt for a total of +20 accuracy.
Ok at this level Gustav became alittle too low, most of the gobs conning EM, so I went back to good ole Crawler's Nest. This time around I played in the back entrance map of CN which also makes a nice Bst playground, everything charmable, lots of places to camp. I was using the Labyrinth Lizard camp, 2 big rooms interconnected by an aggro-free tunnel. I would do Lizard vs Lizard whenever I could find a EM one, now this wasn't the fastest xp, but it sure is a profitable spot. The lizards drop a shitload of things such as crystals, beastmen seals, lizard skins/eggs/tails (all stackable), and chest keys. And the nice part about the chest keys are there are 6 spawns in my camp alone. I opened the chest 3 times while I was there finding gems, gil, and a 15k war/drk great axe. It was an enjoyable time, however it's also a high profile spot. Subject to farmers, xp pts, and just people running by killing things.

I didn't stay the entire level for 48, I had my flag up and got invited to a xp pt in the basement to Garlaige. This is the first time I was asked to pull as Bst so I had a fun time pet pulling, it was also nice never having to worry about links since I could just despawn them, I hit 49 in this pt.
Level 49
I went back to my godly Lizard farming/xp spot in Crawler's Nest today only to find a XP pt there, BOO! They easily had control over the entire camp so I went to the basement of CN with exorays, beetles, and soldier crawlers among other things. This ended horribly in one battle when an Exoray's AoE took me out fast so I went back to Gustav.. good ole Gustav! And I grinded the level out.
Level 50, yes! More to come..
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