Another great thing about being 50 is new gear! I finally get to put on my Gaudy Harness and will now never find myself with not enough mp to cast what I want when I want. This body piece grants auto refresh till 49 mp which is more than any Bst ever needs to get through a fight, also comes in handy when you need to keep sneak/invis up for extended periods of time. No more normal melee gear for me, I've always acquired 4 pieces of the crow gear set which gives a total of +18 evaison and -20 enmity, perfect for the Bst job for soloing anyway. If I want to return to pting, I'm gonna need a more DDish melee set, but now that we're getting into Aht Urghan territory (for xp pts that is), I'm not all that wanted in pts anyway.

So I have a whole new look, some great new spells, and a new a renewed attitude to kickass as I approach the higher levels of the game.
But before I get back into pting, there's just one thing I had to take care of.. the thing I've been waiting for most since I started this job.. Bst AF!!
Ok like all my jobs with AF now, I like to just breeze through it and get it all out of the way at once, I was able to get 4 of the 5 pieces done in just a few hours, the only one missing the Garlaige coffer, not being able to get the people at the time due to an inactive LS.
Doctordub enlisted himself to help me and together we set out on getting the Oztroja and CN keys I needed, finding the chests and finishing those. Killing Dark Spark and duoing my AF3 NM (I solo'd the AF2 NM before he joined the team whm/nin style), and then I went to pop the Beadeaux coffer myself since I happened to have a key in storage. I don't really find AF quests as fun as I did when I first got my whm set, this being my 4th set now, but it was an enjoyable time and we got through it all fast.

Now to begin my trek through the 50's, more to come!
Congrats on all the cool stuff and lvl 50.
MMmmm sexy {Beastmaster}.
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