Thursday, October 18, 2007

LS Drama ftw

Ok so apparently this happened late last night when I wasn't on. Peeknut went crazy on lar and jean and called their relationship illegal, lots of drama ensued, he was kicked and now seems to have a personal vendetta against the LS and our blatant support of pedophilia. /sigh

Anyway I log on today and jean gives me the brief summary of the event followed by peeknut having a wonderful conversation with me, to which I have posted below. Another lovely display of LS Drama ftw. None of the conversation has been censored, the things blacked out are from other /tell conversations and the party I was in at the time.

(you can click each image to see it larger if you can't read it)

He also added at the end that I disgust him, didn't get that shot though. orz


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this post is epic
oh and jean really is a dirty paedo!!! rofllllllll

Anonymous said...


Nephelim said...

"stop the moogle army from supporting pedophilia" Lmao that should be a slogan. Funny stuff, to bad I dint read it earlier.