So we finally made it, 2 days of work and we're at the final fight we need to do so that we can fight Diabolos Prime and get the summon. I was very scared going into this fight, reading up on all the setups and strategies there is a very low margin for error in this fight. To get to the arena for this fight you need to go through a zone called Pso'Xja which is also very neat looking but to get the pass you need to farm a Cyan, Carmine, or Gray Chip. Elov and I went down, later joined by vit and vamp and we got all the chips within a half hour. After turning those in it was time to make our way to the fight.

The setup consisted of our semi-static: elov, vit, vamp, and myself and we were joined by vit's friend Thulius for the stun whoring drk and after a quick shout in Aht Urghan we found battlegod who came as monk. So the final setup was nin, thf, mnk, drk, smn, and whm. Getting through the 40 cap area of the Pso'Xja zone (a series of colored warps) was fairly uneventful, Elov did manage to die once by cancelling sneak or something dumb like that, but we all made it there fairly fast.
In this fight, diabolos has this ability called nightmare which is an AoE Sleep that you can't be waken up from. This ability is.. well.. a nightmare, the one thing you want to avoid. Fortunately our dark knight stun whore was right on que for each and every nightmare utilizing the spell and his weaponskill stuns as well, couldn't have asked for a better performance from him. Elov as thf did his job of SATAing onto Vit (nin) to keep hate on him and, and the monk did an awesome job with damage.

The arena is laid out in tiles, at around 50% Diabolos starts to drop these tiles, if you fall, you're pretty much dead. Although we went over where we were to stand well before entering the bcnm40 it still managed to scare the hell out of vamp and I when both tiles around the one we were standing on suddenly fell. Vamp assisted me with healing as smn and I kept the nin and drk hasted, and erased and at 20% vamp used astral flow to pretty much finish it off. The pickup monk praised us and my LS greatly for the flawless run claiming he failed this run 5 times in the past and overall it was a fun and surprisingly easy fight. Everyone did their jobs perfectly and I can only hope it goes this well on the prime fight next week.
Even though our path to Diabolos is almost over, I look forward to continuing more of the CoP mission series. Riverne Site B next!
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