Time to make gil. I've decided that doing all my teleport scroll quests will net me enough gil to help me out till after christmas. Since all i need will be mea, dem and holla i can sell the other 3 for money. Arcaus and I were doing the holla one and i accidentally got us tele-holla by mistake. So we decided to check out the area for Bloodtear, by luck he was up and just stomping around. I like a fool just attack it. Unlike last time tho he's a pushover. I get him to 40% before I decide we need more manpower to finish it off. A quick shout on the ls and lovslayer along with Capone come to finish it off. No drop but it was fun. That fight was Seriously Madaru.
cool congrats on killing the nm too bad no drop, but its fun to kill nm anyway :D
yeah, cool fight. And its nice after you finish holla quest you can automatically log quest for tele vahzl which sells for around 300k
can u get the scrolls as a lvl 1 whm? =p if so i can muuch off my alt
need lv4 fame in each city for teleport quests
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