Bermont, Kiris, and I dead in an attempt to trio a rdm AF3 NM.
Challenge is something I've begun to experience ever since I started getting more into the Chains of Promathia mission series. This is a huge huge change from when I did the Zilart mission series. In Zilart, we were able to walk through those missions in 2 days with the help of a few level 75's for the missions. And once Jean, Merc, and I were done with our 2-day sky run, we went back and brought 10 or so other LS members up to sky too with little difficulty. Zilart is a series where you can have your hand held through it, CoP presents you with a true challenge. First off, the majority of its missions are level capped, right from the start, so there's no lvl 75 hand-holding, everyone's on equal ground for nearly every mission. Nextly for the level caps imposed on you for missions, the difficulty of the missions are understandably much harder. These missions require proper setups, strategy, and coordination to get through, even the very beginning missions, the promyvion runs, require a fair amount of effort to get through.
Moogle Army's Successful Sky Completion
CoP has often been criticized as being too hard and because of this it has been viewed as a failure of an expansion pack. I agree with this to a certain extent, I agree that the level cap put on some missions doesn't neccessarily match the level of experience required to complete a mission. For example on the promyvion runs, a fresh group of players who just hit lvl 30 technically could do the promyvion runs, but they most likely wouldn't succeed just due to the level of strategy and effort required to get through it. In that sense, CoP can be viewed as almost too difficult. However looking at the number of people who do proudly wear a CoP ring or walk around Sea, obviously it's not imposs ible to get through CoP, just challenging. Also due to the level caps it required people to have gear for a lvl 30 job, and a lvl 40 job, and a lvl 50 job, and so on which also frustrated many players.
I recently had the opportunity to do a Phominua Aquaducts run (CoP 2-3) with two linkshell members Jedimasta, and Xenojin. This was the first mission in a long long time where I felt unsure about the outcome. I was alittle unprepared going into t he actual fight as I wasn't expecting to be warped to the area with the Minotaur and have him immediately start pummeling on us but it was a fun fight. We did lose both a pld and a nin during the fight because of an instant-death ability that only has a random chance of being prevented but we did successfully kill the Minotaur. Overall my experience with CoP has been enjoyable. I'm not even finished with the second chapter and the story already shows some promising things to come, also the missions not only being something completely new to me but providing a real challenge just makes the series even better. I look forward to progressing in CoP.
I recently had the opportunity to do a Phominua Aquaducts run (CoP 2-3) with two linkshell members Jedimasta, and Xenojin. This was the first mission in a long long time where I felt unsure about the outcome. I was alittle unprepared going into t he actual fight as I wasn't expecting to be warped to the area with the Minotaur and have him immediately start pummeling on us but it was a fun fight. We did lose both a pld and a nin during the fight because of an instant-death ability that only has a random chance of being prevented but we did successfully kill the Minotaur. Overall my experience with CoP has been enjoyable. I'm not even finished with the second chapter and the story already shows some promising things to come, also the missions not only being something completely new to me but providing a real challenge just makes the series even better. I look forward to progressing in CoP.
I'm in ur post, spammin ur blog
CoP has some of the most retarded fights ever, Sometimes I wonder if it was worth it to me, and then I look at my Raja's ring and feel less like shit about it.
The biggest problem with CoP in my opinion is everybody needs to be perfect at their respective jobs, there cant be any leechers, or unskilled people, one person who cant follow directions can completely fuck everyone over even if they're a Melee job (which are insanely easy anyways to play)
Additionally some fights are just nearly impossibly to do with a balanced PT for some reason, If you have the right friends you can probably Manaburn and TP burn your way through CoP..
here are the fights you have to look forward to:
Mammet: They change jobs randomly and when they reach BLM spam Ga spells, there are 3 and they have alot of HP, the 2 not being fought need to be kited
Diabolos: Stun all his Nightmares or you'll wipe, absolutly need a DRK or BLU for this :(
Ouryu: BLM, learn it live it love it, If you cant deal damage in bursts you'll probably wipe to this many times (PLD BLM BLM BLM BLM BLM ftw), Ouryu can kill everyone in one hit if you take hate from behind or are out of Melee range, Spikeflail is Love
Vhazl: A fight against all 3 bosses of the old promys, all at once, enough said
Mithra: They use level 75 WSs and there are 5(2 pets) of them, have fun with this not using a SMN or two, oh yeah, one can charm and also resummon her pets
Snoll: Deal 9000 points of damage in 45 seconds, If you fail you will be ejected from the BC, The snoll will blow itself up after 45 seconds pass, even if you survive this you still get kicked out, also the snoll will actually try to kill you with ga TP moves and stuff rofl
Airship BC: 3 very hard fights, that you need to beat in 45 min. and watch 3 Cutscenes. you need to beat all the fights back to back with no rest time
5 Mammets(Like last time <3?)
Omega: Spams TP moves, can reset tanks hate and Guided missile can easily kill everybody
Ultima: Basically the same shit, it has a 600 DMG to all AOE, If the WHM gets petrified you lost :(
You need a WHM for the airship BC (which you are :o)
??? Enemy: same as snoll, if you cant deal 12,000 points of damage before he creates a level 4 Skillchain its over
after that last fight you can enter sea, CoP sure owns huh? ;-;
So if everyone hasn't read all the online guides or leveled the jobs that're "required", they'll lose? That's not a challenge, that's just stupid.
Thanks for the review of things to come Pawky, I can't wait to do some of those fights, sounds like a lot of fun :)
Oh and don't ever think of your comments as spam, I love long comments, or any comments for that matter. But especially people who take the time to type out a well-thought out response. I hope you can continue to read and reply on the blog, even anonymous trolls like boomy too.
So if everyone hasn't read all the online guides or leveled the jobs that're "required", they'll lose? That's not a challenge, that's just stupid.
- More or less, but its mostly impossible to win some BCs with certain jobs, lol :(
Personally I don't see how reading a guide or doing research on a fight is exclusive to just CoP. Most people do that for any mission, quest, or BC if they have no idea what to expect, regardless of if it's in CoP or not. That doesn't make it stupid imo nor does it take away from the challenge aspect of it.
And the required jobs, every mission and BC has cookie cutter jobs, given the difficulty of CoP I'm sure this is more so than most things in the game, which is completely understandable. Again failing to see how it's stupid that people need to go with what works for very challenging missions.
Still looking forward to the rest of the CoP series, those missions look like a lot of fun, and no I'm not afraid of death and failure nor am I trying to rush through CoP since I have no real purpose for obtaining sea access. This is all just something fun for me to do and I've been hearing negative things about CoP ever since its release, if that hasn't deterred me from it, this definitely won't ;)
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