Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Beginning

The FFXI blogosphere is huge, I never realized how many blogs related to player experiences in FFXI actually existed until just a few days ago. I thought it would be a fun thing to do and participate as well :). Leading a big social LS and doing as much as I do in one day I always have a lot I want to say and now I have a place to do it. But I didn't wanna be alone... at least not like that one time in besieged...

Anyway, I wanted someone else to share the space with and help fill it up with stories, ideas, pictures, thoughts, and all that. Jeangallo is someone who's active in the LS, he also likes to document his experiences in the game by screenshots. He also has a very unique and crazy perspective on the world we all play in. I think together we'll make a very enjoyable and entertaining weblog to read.

So do keep checking in, and pass along the word that this blog exists, hopefully our posts will keep you coming back for more. :)

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