I've done two ohat runs in the past and they're generally chaotic situations getting 18 or so people through a zone with monsters that aggro a 75 to get to a spawn point that's surrounded by even more dangerous monsters but this run yesterday was fairly better. First off it was organized by Jean who did an excellent job and we actually got everyone to the spawn point with only a few deaths. Nextly for at least half the time there was another LS called Templar that was farming eyes so they were taking care of links and keeping the area cleared.
When we were organizing the run we didn't have enough people in Moogle Army to do the run alone so jean picked up a bunch of random people to help, unfortunately the only reason they were really helping was because pretty much every last one of them had a cluster wanted an ohat of their own. This still wasn't enough so we coordinated with Itachikun and teamed up with the CoVs LS to create a full alliance for the fight. Only downside to this was they also had 4 people who needed their ohat.. so adding the 5-6 random people, the 4 people from CoVs, and Jean, Bermont, and I that was roughly
12 to 13 Ohat runs. Shit.
Well knowing that it was extremely unlikely this alliance would last for all 12 fights I volunteered to go first and be the "wipe tester" figuring I'd be the one to take the risk (losing my beloved cluster) but also be rewarded first if we succeeded. Well they say the first run is always the worst because people need to warm up with what they're doing and this is no exception. It started out nicely, going slow (compared to runs to come later), but steady and I was very optimistic.

I don't quite remember the particular order of events to follow during my fight but it went something like this: The tank died, which sort of started the chaos. Now stun is a very important part of the fight, this is why when you go on an ohat run.. you make sure you have plenty of people who can stun. Well the stunners somehow managed to miss stunning a Firaga III... twice.. followed by missing a Flare. This killed more people and created more chaos, however the whole time the kind Templar LS was looking on and prepared to jump into the fight. We cycled Templar members into the alliance to replace those who had left or died or disconnected and slowly but surely we took down the NM to get my ohat. I think we scared the main tank because he disconnected and never came back, we had to bring some new ninjas after that.

After that the rest of the fights improved with each time, we continued to bring more people down to fill in for gaps and ended up having a surplus of people wanting to get into the alliance at one point. There was a bst there who helped take care of links once the Templar LS left. We managed to do 4 more fights after mine, Bermont and Jean both getting to do theirs that night. There was a run in which someone called for help on one of the random peoples run which was pretty chaotic as we all had to logout and start all over again (took about 30 minutes to). Jean's run was similar to mine because by that time a lot of people had left and we only had 1 tank and less manpower but eventually he got his too.
Rant Warning:
I would've happily stayed until every last person who brought a cluster had got their ohat and that was the plan. The only reason we stopped was because CoV was getting annoyed that their members weren't getting their ohats and they decided to leave. Tso start, we /random before each and every fight to determine who goes first, highest going first. Yes.. that means every person going whether you're in Moogle Army, CoVs, or a random member has a
fair chance at getting to go. Nextly, CoVs wasn't fully capable of doing this run by themselves, neither was Moogle Army, that's the whole reason we teamed up and grabbed some pickup people, together we were all able to bring down this NM, no one is entitled to go more than another person, whether you had this as a scheduled event or not. Jean was the one who led and organized this entire run in the first place and also got low /randoms on nearly every run we did.
CoVs made the accusation that Jean wasn't entitled to an ohat because he couldn't wear it yet... ... ... ... ... ... I find this kind of funny because someone from their LS attending to the event... taking up a valuable spot in the alliance (for the first run).. happened to be a lvl 49 monk. Not only was that a waste of space in the alliance, a job that was 21 levels away from being able to wear an ohat (not even the halfway point), but if anything a person that didn't need to be there. He was kicked from the alliance and made to watch the rest of the battles never getting a chance to go, but again had the chance to /random every battle regardless.
Leaving an event just because you're not winning the /randoms and getting to go right away when we were all willing to stay till everyone had their ohat is immature and selfish of CoVs. Besides they have one of their members that got an ohat who did manage to win a /random against the 10 other people that needed it... could've won more if they stuck around.
End Rant.
I can't say I was seriously madaru at CoVs because all the Moogle Army members got their ohat! Bermont, Jean, and myself, congrats! And I thank bass, sey, ita, the Templar LS, random people, and CoVs.... for helping out. :)