Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bst Adventures lvl 35

I dinged level 35 in a Garlaige pt, I was the top DD pt between me and my jug pet. My tiger jug pet did the most damage in the party and combined with mine just shot me up even there even further. This was the case for a few reasons: First off, melee DD jobs don't have access to the best gear at this level, meaning they hit for less and a lot less often. This makes my tiger look awesome in terms of its accuracy and damage compared to the average melee DD. In later levels the pt BST doesn't shine as much but in this range, there is absolutely no reason why anyone wouldn't want a BST for their pt.

So now that I have Leave, a most awesome ability, I chose Bibiki Bay to test this ability. For those that don't know Leave is the defining ability of a BST.. well I suppose you could say Charm is the defining ability of a BST since without Charm, a BST is just a bad warrior. But in any case Leave gives us the ability to solo the most effectively from 35 to 75 than any other job in the game. When you kill a monster with a charmed pet, you take a 30% xp penalty so the goal here in every battle is to end the battle alone with no pet, finishing off the monster yourself. What Leave lets us do is dismiss a pet with no aggro at any point in the battle, most often used when the monster has between 3-10% HP left, then the BST simply has to finish off the monster and get the full xp. At 35 and beyond your pet not only acts as a great DD but also a tank so you can melee alongside your pet and hardly ever have to worry about taking hits. Leave has other great uses to avoid links and shed aggro but this is the primary use, anyway more on BST tactics in later posts.

Level 35:

Bibiki Bay was a wonderful experience, by the zone to Buburimu you had Dhamels, Ravens, Efts, Rarabs all between DC and Tough with an adequate number of Even Matches to charm. The XP, while still not as good as a standard xp pt, was consistent getting around 150 per kill no ring. I was able to hit chain 4 once due to the plentiful number of good pets and prey around. There was some competition at times, I had at least 3 blu's show up trying to learn Wild Carrot off rarabs with some high level friends, but they just stuck to rarabs, also had other bsts show up but there were more than enough monsters to share the camp. Then the last thing was when high levels wanted to camp that NM by the docks which can be annoying but it was a big area so it wasn't too bad. I stayed here alittle over 36 then there were too many DC's around so I decided to make the move.

Me soloing in Bibiki, sporting kat's sexy taru RSE.


Coldwind said...

Bst is such an awesome job. Too bad im not leveling it atm, just punching stuff in the face for a while, but someday i will.

Katsumoto said...

Dont stretch my wonderful pants with your fataru hips