Saturday, February 10, 2007

Where has the leader gone?

Ok I know I haven't been on in quite some time and people have been asking questions. To start, no I don't play WoW, I actually haven't been playing any games lately. I guess the simple answer is I've really been letting myself fall behind in school, especially last semester. Before I let myself fall behind this semester as I was fully ready to do so, especially with my love of the black mage job, I told myself to just "stop, get off the game and start focusing on your education." So for the time being that's what I'm doing, trying to get off my addiction to gaming and catching up on everything I missed out on last semester so I can actually understand wtf I'm doing this semester.

I'm not cancelling my subscription to FFXI (for now anyway) nor do I plan on not coming back, I'm just on an extended break from the game. I do wish you all the best of luck and I hope the Moogle Army continues to strive on as it always has, I'm sure I'll have plenty of things to hear about when I get back.


Aricelia said...

I fully understand what you're going through, so I'm not gonna put anymore pressure on you with "OMFG NO KYSS!!!!111 YOU CAN'T LEAVE BLAHBLAH EXCUSES" You gotta do what you gotta do, and I have been in the same spot as you.. responsibility, or fun?

Either way, I will look forward to your return, and I know MA will too. Take care. /hug :)

Coldwind said...

Your position is understandable, when it comes to this game vs education, your education should always be the winner. Best of wishes, study hard and looking forward to your return as a drug dealer O_O; j/k :D. <3